I review for BookSneeze

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Review for Andy Stanley's "Next Generation Leader"

Andy Stanley, the gifted communicator and pastor of Northpoint church, has condensed much of his teaching on leadership into one great book. True to his own calling as a leader, Andy is dedicated to coaching others to become better leaders as well. "Next Generation Leader" is especially for up and coming leaders who wish to learn from the wisdom of those older and more experienced, but it is full of leadership principles that are applicable to a leader throughout his/her life. Andy addresses 5 essentials for leaders: competence, courage, clarity, coaching, and character. Leaders are encouraged to accomplish more by doing less, have the courage to take risks, manage uncertainty, recruit and learn from a coach, and safeguard their integrity. The book is a quick and easy read without being simplistic. It is full of great nuggets of wisdom, questions to ask, ideas to try, and stories illustrating the principles discussed. As is true of all Andy's books, it is down to earth, honest, and in a personal and engaging style. Questions at the end of each chapter are a great help for the individual or for group study. I believe anyone in leadership, no matter how experienced, will find several truths worth discovering and implementing from this winner of a book. I received a complimentary copy for purposes of review from Waterbrook Multnomah Publishing and am not required to give a favorable review. 5 out of 5 stars