I review for BookSneeze

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Review for "The Love and Respect Experience" by Dr. Emerson Eggerichs

"The Love and Respect Experience" is a devotional that is billed as husband-friendly. There are 52 short chapters of 2-3 pages each, designed to be read daily or weekly. Topics are based on principles from Dr. Eggerichs' book "Love and Respect" and supporting scripture verses are included. Each chapter also concludes with a brief prayer and action step. Discussion questions are given at the end of the book to provide more in-depth processing of each chapter.

Attempts were made to make this book user-friendly for men as well as their wives. The devotionals are an easy read and not long. The book comes in a handsome leather cover. Especially helpful is the introduction, which includes ideas for how to use the book as a couple and make it a worthwhile experience for both husband and wife. I am not convinced that the objective of making this book more appealing to husbands than other devotionals has been reached. The whole book is about relationships, not necessarily the most man-friendly. Also, I found the action steps and discussion questions tended toward the feminine or even silly side. For example, one suggestion is "When disagreements or bumps come along, say, 'One of us is Pink, the other is Blue. How can we stay together in this and blend it into Purple?'" I cannot imagine my husband ever saying this, let alone during a disagreement!

On the positive side, for the couple who is willing to try a devotional time together, or wanting to work on their marriage relationship, this would be a good book. The concepts of Love and Respect, as well as scripture, lend themselves toward many helpful insights. The readings will spur healthy communication between spouses about their relationship with each other and with God.

3 out of 5 stars. I received this book on a complimentary basis from BookSneeze (Thomas Nelson Publishers) and am not required to give a positive review.

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